Notice of liability

Important Notice Of Limitation Of Liability

The Duluth Keel Club and/or Race Committee, its members or any other committee shall not be liable for any injury or damage whatsoever to persons or property whether caused by or resulting from their act, omission or alleged negligence, or from weather or sea conditions, hazards of any kind, defects or failure of yachts to be seaworthy in hull, rigging or gear, or any acts, omissions or alleged negligence of other participants which may occur during or arising out of or in connection with any race, regatta, event, cruise, spectacle or any activity sponsored or aided in whole or in part by the Duluth Keel Club.

Notice is hereby given to all participants (including crew, spectators, officials and others) that they participate in any activity solely at their own risk. Skippers of participating yachts are required to apprise all crew members of this Limitation of Liability as a Condition of Entry