Board Minutes
November 13th 2024
September 9th 2024
August 12th 2024
July 8th 2024
June 10th 2024
May 8th 2024
April 10th 2024
March 13th 2024
February 14th 2024
January 10th 2024
December 13th 2023
November 8th 2023
October 11th 2023 - Annual Meeting
October 9th 2023
september 11th 2023
August 14th 2023
july 10th 2023
June 12th 2023
may 8th 2023
april 12th 2023
march 8th 2023
february 8th 2023
January 11th 2023
December 14th 2022
October 10th 2022
September 12th 2022
August 8th 2022
July 18th 2022
June 13th 2022
May 9 2022
April 11 2022
Meeting Minutes for April Board Meeting here.
April 12 2021
Funding for DSSA?
$1500.00 normal donation
$1000.00 additional for new laser
Vote for Money to DSSA
Motion made for standard 1.5k donation
Motion made for Extra 1k donation for a new Lazer
NOR and sailing instructions and schedule (Art)
Published in leading edge
Changes to the documents
Is ongoing as there are many documents in many places
NOR is like it says, notice from the club that there will be race(s) and where.
SI is from Race Committee, rules, courses, etc.
Protest filing can be done within 24 hours, you don’t have to tell the committee boat
Proof of Insurance required
A lot of excess wording has been taken out
No need for rules of sailing to be in the NOR there is the rule book (racing rules for sailing) for that.
Some rules have changed from a DSQ scenario to DP (discretionary penalty).
Risk statement has been added to.
Another paragraph was added to the end that was recommended by World Sailing.
All boats shall approach the committee boat prior to the warning whistle (not over VHF but must go past John physically).
Duluth Triangle
Issues with Buoys in the past
SI now reads with GPS points not Buoys.
Based off of past numbers
Roughly based on intakes from race fees
Motion to approve
Motion Made
Approved at past meeting
Requesting for 22k
Motion made
Registrations (new systems)
New system has been easier than the old system
Race fees
Not up yet
Waiting on feedback on ease of use with membership registration
COVID preparedness plan (Dave)
Must have one as things stand in MN, Dave is willing to be the director for that to keep an eye on things as they change.
Mask use is currently mandatory, no grey area.
Check-in form
Google form
Checklist (health)
Wayzata plan
Committee reports
LMPHRF certificates
25 Current certs
Several have applied but haven’t gotten them back yet
Low compliance on the J24 boats
Something we may have to address down the road
SI/NOR require a current LMPHRF
Can start without but the cert must be active by the end of the series to score.
race schedule on the website
Is live!
Silverbay race this year (line start)
Bayfield race is also a line start
Upcoming events
Can Skippers meeting and May Social be seperate
Treasurer report
Membership is starting to roll in
Expenses have been minimal so far.
Trans superior
29 boats have entered
2019 this time there were 19
Eric T gave a talk about prep for the race
Another talk at the end of the month by a boat manager
Hoping to do one each month leading up to the race
Approached Pier B about the ability to dock near there, no interest from them.
Sea wall in front of the DECC will be under work over the summer
Best path(s) forward
Work with DBC to develop the 13th street property
Smaller scale option and step by step
Contingency plan
A few options out there
DBC update
Last ditch effort for big donor
All follow-up went to deaf ears
Tent site
7. Anything else?
8. ACTION ITEMS For next meeting
9. Adjourn
March 8 2021
New Business: 7:20 to 8:00
Rules talk by Fields Gunsett
Thank you to Keith and Allen
Next talk on changes to the rules
Fields wants to do another talk for changes to the rules for 2021
End of the month? Matt will check with Fields to see what works (hoping for last Saturday or Sunday in March).
Committee reports
New committee members
Nothing major to vote on now, more members not necessary yet.
Race schedule
Allen Sent out calendar to Board for approval.
Skippers Meeting, Saturday before 1st race.
Budget similar to last racing season, no changes to fee structure.
NOR and SI being worked on.
PHRF from Art
Don’t wait to sign up for LMPHRF, do it ASAP
Process has to be started by Apr 1st for cheaper fee structure
Upcoming events
Had a super fun “On the Bay
Social.Talking about doing a tailgate party at 13th street site
Talking about putting tent up on June 19th
Hoping for a budget of $400 per social
Committee budgets
Treasurer report
Trans accounts consolidated
Opened account for committee boat fund
Received check from marshall for tent rental.
How does the club manage the covering of LMPHRF
Coupon code that must be requested, owner would receive after validation of no prior membership.
Trans superior
In 2019 we had 11 boats signed up
We currently have 21 signed up
Pier B is very interested in being a harbor point for the finishers, Dave and Stacy will meet with them to talk about this option.
Hard to give exact numbers
2019 income 22000
Expenses 18000
(rounded up)
On track for income to exceed expenses
YB tracking will be more expensive this year.
Bus to the start?
Scott H will start looking into options.
22 for expenses for 2021 (budget suggestion)
Members of committee
Invite will be sent out to the rest of the club
Boat club is down to discuss all three options…?
Have had no meeting since previous club meeting
No budget necessary (as of now)
Vote on 2021 Budgets
Trans Budget (22k)
Social (2.6k)
CF asked to raise to 3k because food will be the freebie.
Addendum to add seconded.
Committee boat (13k)
Race Operations (2.8k)
Awards (1.725k)
Equipment & Supplies
Tent Site (1.5k)
Banquet (7.5k)
FMM (1.5k)
Online registration support (2.5k)
Motion to table until next month.
Seconded, I’s have it.
DSSA Donation
Will be added to agenda at April meeting.
The club typically gives 1.5 k per year as a donation
They are requesting an extra 1k to replace a laser in dire need of replacement.
Covid Guidelines
What do we need to have, where does it need to be?
Thoughts on next year
Reminder to get LMPHRF cert
Thoughts on when we have “ in person” socials how best to host
Anything else?
ACTION ITEMS For next meeting
January 11 2021
Board member in attendance. Matt R, Jon H, Chris F, Brian H, Art J, Stacy M, Chris F, Kelly M
Club members wishing to contribute to the topics on the board agenda 7:00-7:30
Bill S
PHRF - what makes racing more fun/getting more people involved in the club. Class rule rating separation from rest of fleet. Doesn’t want the LMPHRF to be a barrier to participation.
Eric T
Would like to see a switch to LMPHRF, we only have so many volunteers within the club and something like maintaining local PHRF can burn those volunteers out and decrease their participation within.
Sees a number of the new members through the Marina. Current website has little to no literature on getting a handicap whereas that is not the case with LMPHRF.
Keith S
LMPHRF meeting Wednesday, instituting 1-design certificates. First year will be a pretty small collection. Will be a much simpler registration for rating cert. Cert is a $40 fee before April 1. Enforcement does technically require a US sailing membership, will be on the docket for LMPHRF for Jan 13 meeting. Doing it locally requires another group of volunteers to run and maintain (separate of the race committee).
Susan T
It is a large volunteer position, but there is a large portion of the fleet that is one-design or Jib & Main.
Vote to approve last month’s minutes
New Business:7:35 to 8:30
Online membership registration is ready but not published. Needs board approval to list.
Motion to approve, seconded, approved.
Vote on our club going to LMPHRF or continue to use our own system
LMPHRF or Hybrid
No rules against using LMPHRF for future reference
Favor of a hybrid model
Dave J
Against adjusting race fees. $40 is a dinner. Would it really cause someone to not race for the season.
Duluth had 6 cert for 2021
Between 13-15 for past years
John H
Can fees be raised or lowered in order to accommodate the additional fee associated with LMPHRF
Chris F
Adjusting fees to lower the barrier (lower the race fees by 40 to account for the additional fee).
Stacy M
Also in favor of a race fee adjustment.
Art J
Option A - LMPHRF
1- LMPHRF new boat owners/new members fee is covered by the club.
2- Owners required to purchase LMPHRF.
Option B - Hybrid, find someone in the club that is willing to take on the responsibility to continue Jeremy’s work.
Vote to move to LMPHRF Passes
Next motion to decide whether club will sponsor first year cert or not.
A - new boat owners has their LMPHRF covered by the club.
Motioned, seconded, passed.
B - Lower fees to covered
No motion.
Discussion on other regattas
Nannah approached by WYC, original talk about doing such was to make it happen on non trans years. Not space in the calendar to make this happen this year.
Invitation was sent out, is not likely to happen.
Keith got little to no response for doing this.
Committee reports and budgets discussions.
Race (think about chair)
Meetings are led by chair with class leaders.
Is on the water with Primary Race Officer
Helping and making suggestion for course taking into account conditions.
Can make the Bay/Lake call, no wind, etc.
Wednesday and Weekends can be different people
Quite a bit of logistical and organizational tasks that have to be accomplished.
Are we interested in in-person socials/meetings for the summer?
Pause work for the moment.
Do we have a budget to work with for activities?
Has historically been $3500
Motioned, seconded, passed
Women at the helm series
Weekend races. Regatta in a regatta.
Motioned, seconded, passed.
DYC Clubhouse committee (Kelly M)
Can we have one?
Kelly would coordinate to get it off the ground.
Budget from last year.
Membership dues were down
All other accounts were down from 2019
If all committees agree budget numbers for 2019 can be used for 2021.
Good idea to have a budget for the Trans.
Would like to go and purchase a copy of quicken to be able to do more accurate accounting.
Motioned, seconded, passed.
Trans superior
Planning has begun
7 months to go
Registration has been open for a month
10 boats registered and most are new
Barkers will send out a flyer through LMPHRF to try and connect with other groups on the GL.
What are we doing to try and get bigger boats to participate?
Direct work with Chicago area clubs.
Email has gone out to everyone that has given an email for the Trans in the last 6 years.
What can be done to get more members of the club to participate?
Delivery board?
Similar to DYC crew board, to facilitate a connection between owners and delivery.
Vote On Budgets
Motion to vote at the next meeting so people can look at the numbers before voting.
Keith wants to know if we should reserve the LMPHRF buoy.
Motion to adjourn
Motioned, seconded, passed.
December 14 2020
Board Members
Brian H
Hoping to get the club back to in person happenings.
Hoping to introduce more people to the sport.
Jon H
Get out to sail safely.
Kelly M
Udder Chaos
Sail safely for next year
How to build a clubhouse
13th st or elsewhere
Matt R
Christian F
Screaming O
Excited for Trans
Hoping to sail/race for next season
Maximize time together
Internet socials etc.
Chris F
Radio Flyer
Hoping to race
Art J
Northern Lights?
Get back sailing and see everyone out on the water.
Paul B
Captain Cool
Getting new people into the sport
Stacey M
Hoping to get back to sailing
Laura not able to make it
General Discussion 7:00 to 7:30
Club members wishing to contribute to the topics on the board’s agenda
Allen T
Scott H
Stacey M
Keith S
Susan T
Jeremy L
New Business 7:30 to 8:30
Welcome new board members and introductions
See Check-in
Specific interest and hopes for time on the board
Committee reports
Unknown who chair is.
Report from Nana
Excited about the turnout for the meeting before the board meeting
No Budget established yet
Kelly, could we solicit donations?
Club pay for zoom account so that we could have unlimited time to meet instead of hitting the 40m membership (factored into budget)
Instagram, Jon will pass to social committee
Haven’t finished getting access to accounts
Ran into a little trouble with Wells Fargo
Membership to US sailing will be paid
File 501c tax exempt status by end of year
Domain registry
Needs renewed
Insurance Policies
2 will not be renewed
1 for committee boat
Boat itself is covered
Liability Policy and regatta policy were canceled
David T is touching base with them.
Reimbursement policy question
Is it possible to set up a Venmo or Zelle to be able to reimburse.
Will be worked on.
Trans Superior
Not much to report
Registration link is live
Email will be sent to participants of last four races
Might be some issues with Canadian participants depending on Covid restrictions.
Ratings, LMPHRF and our own DYC
Jeremy will no longer be doing DYC Ratings
LMPHRF has a price for getting a boat rated
40-45 for next season, Keith doesn’t completely remember.
Yearly subscription
What is the difference between ours and LMPHRF?
Current for DYC is totally unique
Jeremy was the first to try and use results to contribute to rating calculations for the following year
To use LMPHRF won’t change a whole lot
David T
Ratings battle only comes into play with 3-5 boats a year
Doesn’t like the fact that for boats where it won’t change that they are then forced to pay for a yearly fee to rate the boat
Seconded by Kelly M
Is there a way to accommodate those folks
Does it need to happen every year
Art J
A large portion of our boats will not change their rating year to year
Can it be gotten once and then used unless a change is required to then make a change
This has to be addressed
Going with LMPHRF is probably the easiest route.
Brian agrees
Intellectual Property (IP) issue with LMPHRF
LMPHRF doesn’t need a certified measurer right?
Big deal is sail certificate
Would it be possible to do LMPHRF for A and B class where people care, and let C class get a base rating and include a “no whining” rule?
Still have to pay the 200 for the US PHRF fees.
LMPHRF requires yearly declarations to make certain everything is covered in case of boat changes/protests etc.
LMPHRF is voided at 12/31.
Seconds IP issue brought up by Brian
One check box for 1 design boats (lower fee for certificate) that would lower costs for true one design boats.
Super difficult wanting to do ratings in house.
LMPHRF is a bigger organization with a lot of super knowledgeable people.
What Jeremy is doing is above and beyond what anyone should expect from a single member.
Going with another organization takes a lot of the drama out of the local groups (i.e. our club).
Table Motion until Jan 2021 meeting
Reach out to club members and see what the club wants to do.
Decision to join LMPHRF will be voted on in January meeting
Thoughts on next year
Social event ideas for winter
2021 Membership Dues
Motion to not make a change to dues from 2020
No opposition
October 21 2020
Welcome and Call to Order (Dave Johnson)
Invitation for members to comment or address the board and/or members (Dave Johnson)
Jim S
DSSA had a successful summer
6 full camps
Operating plan approved by city parks
No illnesses
CSS unable to help pull docks
10am Saturday they need volunteers to help pull 1 dock
15 people needed
20-30 minutes of work
DYC Financial Report (Jim Welinski)
P&L Jan-Oct
7k as the positives
Numbers will change slightly by end of year
Balance Sheet
Morgan Stanley has gone up
Equipment is a sum of assets owned by the club
Contacts need to be updated with Morgan Stanley
Membership Report (Susan Turnham)
Membership response was good
89 members
37 fam
28 ind
21 social
3 students
Down from past couple of years
Up from 2010-2013 range
Proud of members and their support to the club through a rough year.
Social Report (Chris Fraser)
Very trying year for any social events
Some successes
Making faceshields
Zoom social
More online/outdoor options with the approaching winter
Race Committee Report (Robert Schoer)
Some minor NOR & SI adjustments
Website and Leading Edge now are the same
Options for a sport boat class were looked into but unfortunately with Covid it got put on the back burner.
Draft of 2021 schedule
Has a copy that can be shared.
Still has to be voted on with full race committee.
Trans Superior Update and Commodore Comments (Dave Johnson) (August 7th start)
Stacy M
Still trying to figure out how to safely get the race off the ground.
Hard to accomplish with so many things still in flux
Looking forward to working on how to make it happen
Couple of big boats from the Chicago area that have expressed interest!
Glad to help out!
Commodore Comments
Thanks so much for your support.
Tough to not have a racing season.
Thanks the club for understanding that our recreational club wanted to put the community first and our recreation second.
Big shout out to Susan Turnham for putting in so much work in the background!
Introduction of the slate of candidates for open board positions and call for nominations from the floor (John Hoenig and Dave Johnson)
For all the people that signed up last year and had to make some very hard decisions, thank you.
Nominations for 2021 see below
Nominations from the floor
Brian H would like to nominate Art Johnston for board member
Voting on Candidates for Open Board Positions (Dave Johnson)
New board members for 2021
Paul Buckley
Art Johnston
Brian Hammond
Nominations for Commodore, Vice Commodore, Treasurer and Secretary all uncontested.
Nominations for Nominating Committee for the 2021 Season
Voting on nominations for Nominating Committee (Dave Johnson)
Krister Mattson
Kelly McMahon
Steve Henry
John Hoenig
David Turnham
Motion to accept, Seconded
No opposition
Acceptance Speech from newly elected Commodore Matt Ruona
Thank you Dave for leading us through this long and painful year. You were the right person for the year, left very big shoes to fill. Very optimistic for some return to normal. Looking forward to making progress on some of the items that have been discussed over the last 12 months.
Motion to Adjourn (2021 Commodore)
September 14 2020
Nana M
Emailing with Steve S, no banquet
Transfer to next year
October 29th
Outdoor get together?
Is it possible to do something like what Earth Rider has been doing.
Masks required if you’re not seated.
Get particulars and pricing (will know by Oct 12).
7:30 (or earlier if member attendance is light) Begin Board Meeting
Link to minutes from August 10, 2020 DYC Board Meeting
Annual Meeting in October
Date Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 7pm on Zoom
Reports @ annual meeting
Race Committee
Robert S
Membership/Leading Edge
Susan T
From Dave J
Jim W
Social Committee
Nana M (recap starting from Oct)
PHRF Ratings
Jeremy L
Trans-Superior Update
Nominating Committee
Boat Club Update (Kelly M)
Waiting to hear back from Donor
Large portion of board is gone for the summer
Is DSSA going to approach again for money (Steve H).
They have hosted camps since July 1
Limited number of people on Pier
Temp checks, survey, waiver, etc.
Leadership Team Thoughts, Ideas / reports
Jim Welinski
Financial Report
Little activity this last month
Board should consider extending next years membership to those that paid for 2020
Was talked about at July meeting
Adding a “Committee boat” savings account would be difficult with our Non-Profit status
Susan Turnham
Membership Update
Up two members since last board meeting
87 total memberships this year
Tom Torgerson
Right to vote
Given what has happened should we consider waiving membership requirements for voting at annual meeting.
Matt Ruona
Nothing to add.
Kelly McMahon
Planning for next year
Form DYC Clubhouse Committee?
Dave Johnson
DYC Lifetime Achievement Award
Dave & Susan Turnham
Steve Henry
Jon Haaversen
Christian Fraser
Laura Erkelenz
Gini Breidenbach
Boat fund
Since it sounds like we weren’t able to set up another account for the boat savings fund, has this been set aside.
There is not currently another line item for the boat fund.
Some hoops would have to be jumped through to make it work.
Nomination Committee
Board member
Matt R - Commodore
Stacy M - Vice Commodore
Chris F- Treasurer
Jon H - Secretary
Paul B
Jeremy L
Brian H
Fundraiser for Food Shelf
Raised 500 dollars by making masks
For every dollar they can leverage that up to $7
Made 3500 dollar impact for the food shelf.
Meeting adjourned at 8:13
August 10 2020
Board Members present online: Dave Johnson, Commodore(20), Matt Ruona, Vice Commodore (21), Jim Welinski, Treasurer, Steve Henry, Past Commodore (20), Susan Mattis Turnham (20), Tom Torgerson (20), Christian Fraser (21), Gini Breidenbach (20)
Absent: Jon Haaversen, Secretary, Kelly McMahon (21), Laura Erkelenz (21), Gini Breidenbach (20)
7-7:30 open forum for any DYC Member who would like to offer comments, suggestions, concerns, etc… David Turnham reported on the status of the tent site and we had discussion on a request of a DYC member to hold a wedding at the tent site in the summer of 2021. It was the consensus of the board that we are not ready to commit to renting out or opening up the site for events like this. Tom Torgerson and David Turnham are going to meet online and look at the lease and tent permit to see if using the site in this way is possible and what needs to be put in place to do events like this.
2020 Racing Season in light of Covid-19... Things to consider
Sept Schedule Cancel / Modify
Motion by Matt Ruona All racing in September and the rest of the season will be canceled due to COVID-19 Concerns. Seconded by Christian Fraser. Motion passed
Annual Meeting in October
Set date of the annual meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 7pm on Zoom
No Banquet will be held this year
Things to work on / consider for next season
The nominating committee is working hard to recruit board members for 2021 season
Treasurer. Jim will finish out the year and train in the new treasurer.
Trans Superior is scheduled for Saturday, August 7, 2021
Jim Welinski
Financial Report $31,407.09 cash on hand. So far $11,400 income this season and as of the meeting $7000 in expenses. More expenses are expected to put the committee boat away for the season.
Next meeting will be held on Monday, September 14 at 7:00pm
Motion to adjourn by Susan Mattis Turnham, Seconded by Steve Henry
July 13 2020
Member Comments
Keith S
Just checking in.
Art and Keith are going down to help with “Hook Race”
Going through Chicago if people need Rafts and MOM that need repacked (July 26/27, Dave will add into Newsletter).
Brian H
Thinks it seems a little silly that so many people are racing informally that the club doesn’t start sponsoring racing.
Club can start to lose their relevance after a while if this continues.
Ben R
Little bit of an Echo from Brian. Having a little informal support would be beneficial.
No specific thoughts, just wants to know what’s going on.
Leadership Team Thoughts, Ideas and Opinions on the Path Forward
Jim Welinski
We would have to have a strict set of rules/boat owners would have to be willing to enforce those rules.
Financial Report
Very few transactions over the last month.
Committee Boat Dock Liaison
Switched dock to Grandma’s side of MN Slip.
Susan Turnham
Ashland/Bayfield counties have published mask advisories.
Large outbreak last week from a Hockey Tournament.
Citywide face mask requirement indoors for Duluth/Superior.
The club endorsing activities seams in poor taste given the local climate surrounding these issues.
Membership Update
5 new memberships in June, none in July.
84 paid
34 family
27 individual
20 social
3 student
Leading Edge Report
63 packets were delivered
21 were mailed
79.02 of expenses for mailing/packaging
Tom Torgerson
Is there status on other clubs in the region?
Bay view Mac race just finished
Touch and go only.
Bayfield had a “Sailfest”
Not a pursuit but had a 3 minute delay between races.
This was not
Wayzata open but with restrictions
Trying to maintain mandated restrictions.
Other areas around the lake are doing limited racing.
“Hook Race” is happening
Racine - manomany yacht club
A lot of boats that would have done Chi/Mac did this as the Chi/Mac was canceled.
Wayzata Club
Training/racing has a lot of restrictions for racing.
24 ft or less there are crew restrictions.
<24 no more than 3
>24 no more than 4 crew
Just a little off the top
Milwaukee Yacht Club
No mask mandate
Skippers have to ask every member if they have any signs/symptoms.
If crew does skippers are liable.
Sailing with reduced crew
As competitive as possible
Concern continues to be with the inability to social distance on the boat.
Cases are rising.
Matt Ruona
With the current rise how can we promote full on racing.
Enjoyable to just get out and sail.
To make anything happen there are a lot of legal hoops to jump through, is it worth the time?
Kelly McMahon
Possible to still salvage a season?
People are out there, is it worse for us not not have something in place, because it might be worse as most of the area is probably still under the assumption that it is DYC events.
Dave Johnson
Taking it all very seriously
We are seeing the fruits of areas that have not taken it seriously.
No way to maintain distance on a sailboat.
Kick off event for one year to 2021 Trans Superior
Plans for next year
Steve Henry
Recognizes everything is moving the wrong way to start relaxing.
Holding pattern and maintaining the status quo for now.
Jon Haaversen
No Change.
Christian Fraser
Position has not changed
A few scares at work.
Wants to be out there but that just isn’t possible.
Numbers are going up significantly in our area.
report on June social with Pay It Forward PPE project
Had 10 people, could potentially happen again.
No final number on Food Shelf donations
Gini Breidenbach
Position has not changed.
We have talked about supporting informal fun while out sailing.
Leaning towards the fact that people might be out “racing” doesn’t look bad on us as a club.
We have a responsibility as an organization to keep the safety of our members front and center.
TT Motion to cancel racing for August and Sept
Cancel only for August at this time, wait on decision for Sept.
Second by Gini (sadly)
7 for, 1 opposed
Motion passed to cancel August Racing.
Meet again to talk about September.
What decisions can we make at this time?
Racing in August
Paid for membership to apply to next year?
Many members purchased after the newsletter talking about the grim reality of our racing year.
Maybe make it an option to carry over.
Apply this years membership to some sort of event.
From Keith
Window stickers instead of bumper stickers?
Should offer some opportunity for paid members for the money they paid.
From Jim
Not do anything
Refund or rollover to those that ask?
Not push either way, but a way to help those that have hardships.
As a non profit we should just roll with the flow.
Motion made for both membership/race fees.
Race fees should be sent back or specifically rolled to next year (TT, JH). DJ will call the 4 that paid race fees.
Membership will be kept as it is, if members approach, money can be refunded/applied to next year.
Trans superior
Kick off by having a beach pickup event?
Wherever whenever.
Annual Meeting
DJ will be a one term Commodore
Wants to put more effort into the Trans Superior
Matt will be up.
Rob Schoer wants to be done as Race Chair.
Set schedule before Annual Meeting
John Hoenig
Nominating chair
RC is appointed by Commador
Buoys are out. 17th street will be getting moved offshore a little bit.
Club should get a Zoom membership if this will continue to be the normal.
Matt and Dave.
New Board members
Date of next meeting.
2nd Monday of August (10th).
Can help with Newsletters/Website updates.
Opportunity to put this years membership fees towards the “Boat Fund”
Closing remarks
It’s been a tough time to try and be on the board.
Glad that everyone is thinking of others.
2020 Racing Season in light of Covid-19... Things to consider
MN Stay Safe Information and Links
August Schedule Cancel / Modify
2020 Paid Memberships
2020 paid Race Fees
Committee Boat
Things to work on / consider for next season
Applying 2020 Memberships to the 2021 season????
Refunding Race Fees paid or apply to 2021???
Setting Race Schedule for 2021
Trans Superior
Recruiting board members for 2021 season?
June 15 2020
DYC Board Meeting Agenda, June 15, 2020
Focus on what should be our plan for the 2020 Racing Season during the pandemic
7:00-8:30 PM
Online via Zoom :
Board Members (Crew): Dave Johnson, Commodore(20), Matt Ruona, Vice Commodore (21), Jon Haaversen, Secretary, Jim Welinski, Treasurer, Steve Henry, Past Commodore (20), Susan Mattis Turnham (20), Tom Torgerson (20), Kelly McMahon (21), Laura Erkelenz (21), Christian Fraser (21), Gini Breidenbach (20)
7-7:30 open forum for any DYC Member who would like to offer comments, suggestions, concerns, etc...
Stacy M
Happy to be able to make it to a meeting!
No way to do social distancing well on a race boat. In agreement with notes from the last board meeting.
Question from Dave: feelings about Trans Superior 2021?
Plans/ideas for changes for next year could still be talked about.
Should carry on as best we can.
Planning might need a different approach
Jeremy L
Hasn’t received any race certificates.
Partially because no racing
Wouldn’t be able to do super quick turn around if people waited to send in once racing if racing is officially announced.
Art J
MN Stay at Home updated: gather outdoors with friends and family in groups of 25 or less, and indoors in groups of 10 or less with safe social distancing practices in place.
Pg 6 Outdoor recreation.
Recreational boating
For opening up racing. Yacht scoring is showing a lot of races still being held.
Feels that to postpone further racing is curtailing the sport.
Here to Listen.
Endeavoring to get marks in the water this week.
Waiting for final word from the board.
Link to minutes from May 18th DYC Board Meeting
July Sailing
Jim W
No expenses in the last month
Income is membership fees
Committee boat slip available for member use?
Could coordinate with Jim to reserve?
Granting committee boat not being there.
Chicago friend
No, harbors are still closed, series is scheduled for after harbors opened, limited crew. Marinas closed.
Our World
If an owner wants to manage safe practices on board, could be done.
Wyzatta face masks required at all times.
Limited crew, safe practices in place.
82 members
34 fam
18 ind
19 social
3 students
78 packets processed
Ongoing process to get leading edge out to members.
Sustaining members
34 up to 45
Ind is down
Race fees
4 people that paid before are still the only 4
Don’t think we can safely race.
How is it possible to race while keeping a safe distance
J22 NA and Worlds canceled.
WYC has practice events
Household limits
Canceled Sunday due to conditions
Reluctant to sanction official activities.
Tom T
Social distancing is something we can’t meet
Whether it is enforced or not should not be a concern
Kelly M
Likes Art’s comment about the decision to race up to captain.
Christian F
How can we as a board be responsible if one of our members become sick because of our decision.
We haven’t seen a peak yet
As time goes on it’ll be getting worse for a while
Opening options for triangle races, race to race fee, etc
We don’t know what is ahead of us.
Dave J
With Tom
Super difficult to maintain 6 foot distance even on a 40 foot boat.
Doesn’t see how it is possible even sort of keep a safe distance on a sailboat.
Excited to see what options we might be able to have for single handed or single household participation style events.
Doesn’t seem responsible or possible to hold standard racing
Robert S
2 options for permanent mark racing
Safety protocols/crew limitation/
What will they be and how will they be enforced.
Owner discretion racing
Seams really risky to really sponsor any racing activity
Individual boat racing
Can we keep a course out there to do a 2 mile race?
Write down time and wind speed
Retroactively create PHRF races if enough boats participate
Board Response to RC Options
From Steve H
Consider creating “COVID Cup”
Create a course
Complete once a week throughout the summer
Keep track of times
RaceQS to keep track of the times
Could be sailed whenever
All boats could participate as they want
Keep it Single Handed/single household
Tom and Jon don’t see how this can be done while maintaining social distancing.
How are we perceived by the community
Doesn’t want the Clubs reputation to be dragged down by trying to sanction races that violate
Would rather regret missing out on races than one of our activities caused someone to get sick.
What do we do going forward?
Motion to cancel all races for the month of July (Jon)
2nd by Christian
6-2 approved
Next Board Meeting
July 13th
2020 Racing Season in light of Covid-19... Things to consider
MN Stay Safer at Home EO 20-75
Recreation in household groups
May gather in groups of 10 or less but still maintain social distancing
Some forms of outdoor competition allowed
Club falls into Medium Risk
Keep any “play” or interaction between players contactless
Games and Competitions are not recommended at this time for [sports within this category of risk].
Peak of Infections in MN: End of June
Cancel / Modify / Hold as scheduled?
2020 Paid Memberships
2020 paid Race Fees
Committee Boat
Set permanent marks?
Household Group Series?
Bermuda Starts?
Rules to maintain 6 feet or more between boats?
Our recreation sometimes involves risk to us but we willingly take that on. At no point in time should our recreation put others at risk. (DJ)
May 18 2020
DYC Board Meeting Agenda, May 18, 2020
Focus on what should be our plan for the 2020 Racing Season during the pandemic
7:00-8:30 PM
Online via Zoom :
Board Members (Crew): Dave Johnson, Commodore(20), Matt Ruona, Vice Commodore (21), Jon Haaversen, Secretary, Jim Welinski, Treasurer, Steve Henry, Past Commodore (20), Susan Mattis Turnham (20), Tom Torgerson (20), Kelly McMahon (21), Laura Erkelenz (21), Christian Fraser (21), Gini Breidenbach (20)
7-7:30 open forum for any DYC Member who would like to offer comments, suggestions, concerns, etc...we will start with Jim Sharrow president of the DSSA Board who will share what the DSSA is hoping to offer for sailing this upcoming season.
Jim S (DSSA)
DSSA does plan to have a season
They have written a COVID preparedness plan based on the MN Health Department Website
Private lessons
Single handed boat
Instructor using a motorboat or another sailboat communication done through walkie talkie.
Recovery (major sticking point)
If they can’t right the boat
PPE similar to county rescue
City has to approve the plan
Looking to buy more protective insurance
Training will happen in June
Opening will not happen until July
The “cruise” boots will be available for household use.
Open sailing
Not likely to happen during the week.
Likely run Friday evening through the weekend.
Plan to be on the water.
Membership for yacht club members is $99 ($60 for 19-29)
The larger boats are available for a fee (to help with operating costs on those boats).
A Minnetonka Sailing School has gotten verbal permission to run her 23ft boat with 1 instructor and 3 students
Gloves, glasses, masks and a major cleaning regiment.
Robert S
Dis-infecting boat
Most of their cleaning will be done using alcohol
Boats will be cleaned between users.
Jim Welinski
Storage trailer on site at boat club site?
Past ruling was that if it was on wheels it was OK.
Possible to have a porta potty on site?
Justin A.
Some might not see value in it.
Can we incentivise them to join, if racing doesn’t happen.
Discount for membership going into next season.
From Dave
What would you hope for the club to do?
Looking out for the clubs best interest.
Doing things like “couples races” only supports portions of the membership.
Larry M.
We haven’t had a membership campaign.
He thinks it should be done.
If nothing happens “race wise” that is “Okay”.
Brian H.
Hopeful for some “limited” racing
Short handed Crew sailing
Kelly McMahon
On a short handed crew would we need to adjust the racing threshold?
Follow-up from Brian
Longer lap, fewer mark roundings.
Call sooner (for weather etc.)
Sonja B.
Hopeful for something whatever that may be.
Each boat will have to balance the risk with those they sail with
There is always a lag in infection in response to changes in rules/laws (2-3 weeks).
“Educational opportunities out there have been great”
Ben R.
There are always people that work in high risk fields.
John Hoenig
Would like to see the Zoom meetings continue. Membership attendance is way higher than standard meetings.
Sailing anarchy posted an article about a CA Sailing club that has potentially figured out a way to go out and do it safely.
Shorter permanent start course using Bermuda start.
Roll Call: All board members in attendance.
Dave Johnson:
Dr. Michael Osterholm Presentation.
Directed towards faith leaders but many of the same principles apply.
Club will survive.
Our pressures are different than what governors and mayors are feeling.
Hopes for some form of racing.
Don’t know what.
Susan Mattis Turnham
With her work she was told the same things as from Dr.Osterholm.
Major eye opener
DNR Statement
Can I still go boating
yes but maintain social distancing
Stay with those in household
single or double to maintain safe social distancing.
We have the leading edge
63 memberships
59 envelopes are stuffed
Jim Welinski
Feels that small fleet sailing is probably one of the only ways to encourage access.
Tom Thorgeson
Hard things to consider
Is there a way to race a sailboat without violating the social distancing requirements.
How do you race a sailboat without the main trimmer and driver sitting next to each other.
Any form of sailing with more than a single person on the boat cannot maintain a safe social distance (not a likely item to be pulled off of the governments list of items to stay).
Opens the club up to a lot of problems.
Matt Ruona
Even if restrictions are loosened do we want to sanction races/events?
Can you call it a race if in reality it is something different?
Kelly McMahon
It’s impossible to maintain a “safe social distance” on most sailing vessels.
It sucks but what are we to do?
Small boat
Hurdles to cross to have an organized small boat sailing
Jim was thinking just small boat recreation not organized sailing.
Dave Johnson
Humbled by the club memberships
Something should be offered
Glad we went forward with the leading edge
Rest year that maybe we focus on education.
Agrees with Tom
Only 5-8% of population have had the disease.
Nothing will change until that gets to 60-70%
Taking it very seriously.
A season off of racing may not be the worst thing.
Steve Henry
From the pragmatic standpoint.
Agrees with Tom
Recommends postponing all races until July for now.
To sanction anything right now would be the wrong choice.
Struck by Sonjas comment on education
So many places are putting out online seminars, etc.
How can we be a resource for our members on such topics.
Put together a zoom meeting weekly on education.
Small boat would be a good way to let members know we are thinking of them.
Our hands are tied.
Jon Haaversen
Christian Fraiser
Not possible to be a safe distance even on larger boats.
His boat has decided not to participate for the foreseeable future.
Is there a way to measure success on different metrics?
At this point encouraging racing is wrong.
Laura Erkelenz
Likes idea of having educational opportunites.
Let people know they can keep sailing but that maybe racing isn’t in the future for this season
Gini Breidenbach
We have a moral and legal responsibility to make the choice about not racing this season.
It is a recreational event, we might really, really love it but it is recreational.
Setup of permanent short course to practice on would be awesome.
Boat club site
To store boat = $10 a foot
Waived fees for yacht club members to use others boats
Boat club has voted and that will not be possible.
Jim for John Hoenig
Possibility of a variety of marks on the lake that could be changed weekly?
Family sail/rally style of sailing
Way for people to just get out and sail
Week long time period to complete the circuit.
Could be highly variable.
J-Ho, Jim W, Robert
Contact DNR
Is it OK to put marks out?
Motion to Cancel June Racing and notify members of intent to cancel, being optimistic but realistically season will not happen.
Vote: Unanimous in favor
Would be good to put out a notice to the club that we don’t expect to be racing this season but we don’t want to give up hope.
Not racing
Very strict club restrictions
2020 Racing Season in light of Covid-19... Things to consider
MN Stay Safer at Home EO 20-56
Recreation in household groups
May gather in groups of 10 or less but still maintain social distancing
Some forms of outdoor competition allowed
Cancel (if so how much)
Racing in May has been canceled...what about June?
2020 Paid Memberships
2020 paid Race Fees
Committee Boat
Set permanent marks?
Household Group Series?
Bermuda Starts?
Rules to maintain 6 feet or more between boats?
Our recreation sometimes involves risk to us but we willingly take that on. At no point in time should our recreation put others at risk. (DJ)
What decisions can we make at this time?
Response to request from Scott Smith Commodore Minnetonka Yacht Club
Date of next DYC Board meeting?
June 15 to discuss July sailing and further.
Items sent to Board Members to look at before the meeting:
Dr. Michael Osterholm presentation to Church leaders on Friday, May 15, 2020 presentation starts at 3:00 minutes ends talk at 17:00 minutes and then questions from those present
May 04 2020
Board Members (Crew): Dave Johnson, Commodore(20), Matt Ruona, Vice Commodore (21), Jon Haaversen, Secretary, Jim Welinski, Treasurer, Steve Henry, Past Commodore (20), Susan Mattis Turnham (20), Tom Torgerson (20), Kelly McMahon (21), Laura Erkelenz (21), Christian Fraser (21), Gini Breidenbach (20)
7-7:30 open forum for any DYC Member who would like to offer comments, suggestions, concerns, etc
Brian H.
Looking forward to having a season (if we can)
Wants to urge not getting “ahead” of ourselves.
Mentioned not wanting the board to look too far ahead of Governers orders
If Executive order is extended into the summer
Way to get out and see people but no competition
Eric T.
Marina standpoint
Being super careful
Social distancing with staff and boaters
One Family, One Boat
Pursuit Sailing?
Ability to get out on the water, doesn’t look like a race as much
Educational nights instead of competitive races
No Racing in May
Whole season hasn’t been canceled
John Hoenig (Race Committee)
Talk of putting nearshore markers out
To have some semblance of competitive sailing
Boat is still covered
No movement until racing is in the future
Keith S.
Variable rating system as a potential experiment
Rating changes within season so that by the end of the series boats all rate closer together
Shadow rating? (Jeremy)
Follow the VRS but not use it for trophies
More so to see how this idea would work
At the Mercy of the state government/“Other Folks”
Putting ourselves at risk if we try to sponsor events in a haphazard way
Mackinac Island Opening this week
They are looking to hold the race (chi-mac)
Quite the change from a few weeks ago
2nd weekend in July
Because of closures by Bayfield City, Race week is up in the air at the moment
Fixed course Wednesday series?
Small boat season (second off of Jim)
Sally B.
Hard to see anyway of racing fairly within family only
Virus won’t end when the executive order is lifted
Racing won’t be safe for most of the summer (Paraphrased…?)
Dwindle Family
Assumed spring series would be canceled
Was hoping summer series would be able to happen
Paul B.
Too soon to know beyond May
Would like June sailing to stay a consideration
Robert S.
Wait and see situation
Have to be careful
We don’t want our hobby to put others at risk
Would like to see consideration for racing options outside of the racing “Normal”
Steve Henry
Most important thing is to keep members safe
Really likes the creative ideas brought up by past speakers
Pursuit Racing
Wouldn’t sanction racing but likes the idea of coordinating boating times
Jim Welinski
Socialized Sailing
As far as a family
Sailing days of the season
Sailing hours of the season
Small Fleet
Brought 16 foot catamaran down to club site
Small boat sailing off the beach could be totally doable
Sonja B.
Every boats circumstances are very different
Governor's orders are not end all be all of concern
2020 Racing Season in light of Covid-19 Things to consider
MN Stay at Home order in place until May 17 (EO 20-48)
Recreation in household groups
Maintain social distancing
No forms of competition allowed
Maintaining social distancing (6ft)
Paragraph on Outdoor Activities
Cancel (if so how much)
Racing in May has been it too early to make a decision about June?
2020 Paid Memberships
2020 paid Race Fees
Committee Boat
Jim’s idea
Our recreation sometimes involves risk to us but we willingly take that on. At no point in time should our recreation put others at risk. (DJ)
Leadership Team Thoughts, Ideas and Opinions on the Path Forward from here (2-3 minutes each)
Jim Welinski
What are we left with the Yacht club if racing is canceled
Educational Events
Family Sailing
Small boat sailing
Very Few Transactions
Small fee to pay the Duluth Boat Club to Beach launch at boat club site
Could serve small boats better along with boats that have moorings
Small boats can be run by 1 or 2 people
Susan Turnham
David Turnham
Asks Daryl
Renting small boats?
If you are a DSSA Member rental might be an option
Sounds like they haven’t made that decision on whether they can or not (per Jim)
Everything on hold until governor updates
Susan Turnham
Memberships have been paid
Number continues to climb
There is a real commitment to the club regardless of what happens on the water
Tom Torgerson
Votes for an incremental approach
Orders are making our decisions easy right now
Feels we as a club cannot sanction activity that might put anyone else at risk
Matt Ruona
As much as he would like to race we have to think about putting others (JHo, etc).
Not everyone has family that wants to/can race
Feels like spring series is completely out
Kelly McMahon
Trailer boat storage is $10 a foot at boat club site
Should be in line with other MN and WI Clubs so we aren’t alone in what decision is made
Dave Johnson
We need to have some sort of presence
“Treadmill Sailing”
Can participate on their own time
Because of continual Membership purchases people want something to happen.
What that looks like right now who knows.
Steve Henry
Like what Tom said
Right now we are currently just waiting on MN Government
The hard part will be when the governor says yes but to the members of the club it is still a risk
Hard decisions are ahead
Conservative is best
18th for MN EO, 26th for WI
North Sails
Webinars starting tomorrow
Educational Opportunities
Jon Haaversen
Treadmill sailing (DTC Strava)
Christian Fraser
Small boat sailing
Data is changing week to week
Jury is out on a lot
Maybe Board as to meet before June to discuss July racing
It is our responsibility to not put others at risk
Laura Erkelenz
Even if the order is lifted in May we won’t be able to go sailing right away
Hobbies don’t take precedence over safety
Gini Breidenbach
Family Sailing is great if you have family that can go sailing
Some way to connect with Crew through ideas brought up today
Educational opportunities
Take-away from Buckley
It might become clear that the majority are comfortable sailing/racing
Might be there later in the summer
Some people just might not be comfortable going out
We might have to make a choice that most club members feel safe, but not everyone will feel the same.
What decisions can we make at this time?
DSSA membership for members that want to get out, if lasers will go in the water.
DYC members will get a discounted membership
$100 for season
Approach DSSA for more formal agreement for a more significant discount
If someone has a membership with DYC that some of those fees could transfer to DSSA to reduce price
Would be a great opportunity about “joining forces”
Cleaning a small boat
Only takes a few minutes
Small boats would be a great solution for this
DSSA has a chase boat
DSSA Board meeting in next week or two
Dave going to try and get an invitation to that meeting
How can we work together
Sailing together is unrealistic
Logistics on dock (after discussion with DSSA)
At boat club site, what would it take
Costs/Logistics/Permits with City
Steve, what kind of security would be there?
If it was secure himself and others might be more comfortable with leaving boats there for other members to use.
Porta Potty would be needed
How can we support members that may not be able to afford a second membership to (DSSA) to be able to get out sailing
Would like to see about supplement members that want DSSA membership.
Meet in two weeks on May 18 after Stay in Place expires?
Date of next DYC Board meeting?
April 2020
Board Members (Crew): Dave Johnson, Commodore(20), Matt Ruona, Vice Commodore (21), Jon Haaversen, Secretary, Jim Welinski, Treasurer, Steve Henry, Past Commodore (20), Susan Mattis Turnham (20), Tom Torgerson (20), Kelly McMahon (21), Laura Erkelenz (21), Christian Fraser (21), Gini Breidenbach (20)
Leadership Team Report...How are you doing during this stay at home order. What impact has it had on your family, job, etc (2-3 minutes each)
Gini Breidenbach
Laura Erkelenz
Christian Fraser
Jon Haaversen
Steve Henry
Dave Johnson
Kelly McMahon
Matt Ruona
Tom Torgerson
Susan Turnham
Jim Welinski
2020 Racing Season in light of Covid-19 Things to consider
MN Stay at Home order in place until May 4 (State emergency until May 13)
Peak of Infections in MN forecasted to be in July
Our recreation sometimes involves risk to us but we willingly take that on. At no point in time should our recreation put others at risk. (DJ)
Cancel (if so how much)
Spring? Summer? Fall?
Offer a modified race series for double or single handed? (Crew must live together?)
2020 Paid Memberships?
2020 paid Race Fees?
Leading Edge?
Committee Boat?
Jim’s idea?
Tent Site?
Leadership Team Thoughts, Ideas and Opinions on the Path Forward (2-3 minutes each)
Jim Welinski
Wait until May to figure things out.
Susan Turnham
Minnesota closures
Specifically refers to Yacht Club
All properties/boat activity is closed
Anticipates that it will be extended
Nothing definitive
Notify membership
Constantly monitoring
Tom Torgerson
Doesn’t want to be Board to motivate any unsafe opportunities
Ultimately cancel Spring for sure
Talk of Single or Double
Activity that could lead to the spread of virus, or increasing risk for those sailors that participate
Down the line
Evaluating how many members are being served
Tent site = no, a concern even later into the fall
Matt Ruona
Sided with Tom
Spring series = no
Probably no tent site
Re-evaluate for Summer forward
Kelly McMahon
Give a guideline that any Yacht club decision happens 3-4 weeks after any local government decision
Robert Schoer
In agreement with most of prior.
Refundable race fees
Need to come out with a general statement regarding that.
SI, skippers meeting May
Facilitating single/double handed
Feels unwise for potential club involvement.
More so to have the 3 nearshore marks out, allows people to partake in “race like” activities.
Dave Johnson
Any fees paid this year
Could potentially be applied to next year
Or refunded
Slip fee for committee boat is in (Jim)
Comparison between western states and NY
CA super strict on distancing
NY took longer, has significantly more issues
Really likes that 3-4 week delay from Kelly’s suggestions
Steve Henry
Timeline seems to show that anything will be happening later
Hope for the best, expect the worst
Looks like spring is very unlikely/impossible
Something needs to go out to members
Creative alternatives that have gone around
Changes can be made, board must be flexible as we go along
Tent = foregone conclusion
Jon Haaversen
Pessimistic approach
Christian Fraser
Father works in Respiratory Clinic
Probably not getting out on the water
Potentially put together some sort of Zoom EDU sessions for socials
Laura Erkelenz
Have to wait and see
Social’s not in the card even if racing can happen at some point.
Gini Breidenbach
Wonders about budget
Needed expenses regardless of racing
Encouragement for some sort of membership to help covers absolute necessities
Racing later in season
Have to consider PR about spreading the virus on boats racing - overall community reputation at the club would be at stake.
Everything will be very unpredictable
No to spring would be a good call
Jim’s Response
Likes idea of trying to retain membership (Gini)
Minimizing expenses
Rolling over membership to 2021
Keeping people involved would be good
Small fleet
Unorganized events
Pickup races?
DSSA involvement
Sailing for non boat owners
Really anything to get people on the water
32 people have paid 2020 membership fees
Might be beyond a full refund point
4 race fees have been paid
Paid for the full package
Leading Edge
Sold enough ads to maybe print
Over $2,000 in ads sold already
Last year was just under 1,800 to print
Would like to still do it as a break even
To create a bit of self continuity - keep members engaged. We still exist even if no racing happens.
Printer is still open and running
Could definitely make it happen
No time emergency now
Steve, dave, like the idea of keeping the sense of continuity going.
Dave Turnham
What are the bare bones
20k in bank
No issues foreseen
Slip was paid for committee boat
Hoping that it would be refunded if slips don’t go in
No may sailing
Summer season still debatable
Covid 19 link on WYC page
What is being done
What is going to be done in the future
Lead Time to get ready for season
May meeting for any further decisions
June/July Sailing
Not enough info yet to make any major decisions until after May meeting
Not sure what will happen
Board/Club must remain flexible
Maybe move a board meeting back a week
May board meeting on May 4
Open to public earlier for questions/concerns
Jon makes motion to cancel may sailing extending start of season until June at the earliest
Second Matt, Gini, etc
Dave will send out newsletter
Talking about what was discussed, how we are going to move forward
Gini will work on website
Check out BYC
Jim making masks
Frontline medical/ at risk
Dave wants to float idea of club purchasing some of the masks donating to hospitals
Maybe trying to get some for vulnerable populations
Hospitals preparing for the long run
Not sure if ship shape would be an ideal partner for something like that.
Refund talk
At this point, no season has been determined
No race fee decisions at this point
Fees may be prorated/refunded
Push race fee deadline back
I.e. no deadline?
No rate increase on May 10
Motion to suspend marketing of race fees. Once a season is able to begin the board will make a decision on fee structure and due dates for those fees. Goal will be to give skippers 2-3 weeks to get race fees paid and boats ready to race
Kelly talking about Boat club proposal for Trimmed down site proposal
Opportunity for others attending the meeting to make comments, suggestions or ideas
Make a Decision about the 2020 Racing Season and communicate that to the club
March 2020
NOR and SI Update
Abbreviated NOR and SI for leading edge
Other RC Updates
Membership/Leading Edge Report (Susan)
Leading edge
Documents needed by April 1
Race Fees can be communicated and published
Social Committee Report (Christian and/or Nannah Myers)
Social schedule (for summer)
Pick names (can’t do until boats are registered for races)
Reach out for volunteers
Flyer, newsletter, etc
February Social
Something in the works
Movie at Zietgeist
Question from Kelley
Why did some people get money back?
Formula that money raised would go back to help reimburse food costs incurred.
Flip flop
Free food and BYOB, instead of paying for food
Bring it up next month
Decide then
Minor check?
Discussion on Liquor/Beer/Food/Socials
Lengthy and detailed
Steve reach out to a few other clubs to see what they do
Other items that might need to be reported on if progress is being made
Education Events
Boat Club Site
Meeting with the city Thursday Feb 13
Will know about both tent and long term building project
New business:
Boat for UMD sailing team (Who?)
Boat club idea
Eyes on a J24
Really bad shape
Working with DSSA for a loaner boat to use for Wed
Stepping stone boat to bridge the gap between DSSA and DYC
Funded by DYC
Has a small boat club
Has a number of people that come up from the Twin Cities all summer to rent boats
Might bring in more money as rental
Have something to report back by April
Hopefully by March meeting
Outreach to CYC and BVYC on Barthel Trophy (DJ)
US Sailing Events for Club Leaders (DJ)
February 2020
7:00-8:30 PM
Gardner Builders Duluth, 2 W 1st St Suite 133, Duluth, MN 55802, USA
Board Members (Crew): Dave Johnson, Commodore(20), Matt Ruona, Vice Commodore (21), Jon Haaversen, Secretary, Jim Welinski, Treasurer, Steve Henry, Past Commodore (20), Susan Mattis Turnham (20), Tom Torgerson (20), Kelly McMahon (21), Laura Erkelenz (21), Christian Fraser (21), Gini Breidenbach (20)
Welcome Activity... (What should be in the next newsletter) (DJ)
Melissa France
What do we want in the newsletter
Race Schedule
New Boats
Member Feature
Rule Change/focus
Edu Update
Affiliate Events
Global Sailing events
National, etc
US Sailing
Debrief/Safety Tip
MVP Partner
Review the minutes from January (Jon)
Review of due dates for action items
Duluth Yacht Club @
Owns calendar for Yacht Club
3 Classes for J24 regatta
Motion to approve minutes
Second Gini
Treasurer Report (Jim)
No Transactions for the last Month
Update on proposed race fee increase to build a boat/motor replacement fund
Processing fee showing separately
5% fee shows up on the Yacht Club side.
3.5% vs 5%, Zap event carry over…?
$25 increase to a race fee
4 said yes out of 7 or 8
Increase is to help with raising money for the committee boat fund.
Would have to be for individual race as well
110 for all weekend races
Flat 10% over $25
Amended to 10% increase per registration event instead of $25 per race, rounding is OK (i.e. 110 to 120 instead of 121)
300 to 330 (The Whole Enchilada)
110 to 120 (Single Wednesday Series/Nearshore & Offshore)
NS 20-25 and DTB 50-55
Motion to raise
Increase Stipend for Race Committee
Race Committee Report (Robert)
NOR and SI Update
Abbreviated NOR and SI for leading edge
Other RC Updates
Membership/Leading Edge Report (Susan)
Leading edge
Documents needed by April 1
Race Fees can be communicated and published
Social Committee Report (Christian and/or Nannah Myers)
Social schedule (for summer)
Pick names (can’t do until boats are registered for races)
Reach out for volunteers
Flyer, newsletter, etc
February Social
Something in the works
Movie at Zietgeist
Question from Kelley
Why did some people get money back?
Formula that money raised would go back to help reimburse food costs incurred.
Flip flop
Free food and BYOB, instead of paying for food
Bring it up next month
Decide then
Minor check?
Discussion on Liquor/Beer/Food/Socials
Lengthy and detailed
Steve reach out to a few other clubs to see what they do
Other items that might need to be reported on if progress is being made
Education Events
Boat Club Site
Meeting with the city Thursday Feb 13
Will know about both tent and long term building project
New business:
Boat for UMD sailing team (Who?)
Boat club idea
Eyes on a J24
Really bad shape
Working with DSSA for a loaner boat to use for Wed
Stepping stone boat to bridge the gap between DSSA and DYC
Funded by DYC
Has a small boat club
Has a number of people that come up from the Twin Cities all summer to rent boats
Might bring in more money as rental
Have something to report back by April
Hopefully by March meeting
Outreach to CYC and BVYC on Barthel Trophy (DJ)
US Sailing Events for Club Leaders (DJ)
January 2020 meeting
When: January 13 2020 7:00pm
Where: Gardner Building
Board Members Present - Dave Johnson, Commodore, Jon Haaversen, Secretary, Jim Welinski, Treasurer, Susan Mattis Turnham (20), Gini Breidenbach (20), Kelly McMahon (21), Laura Erkelenz (21), Christian Fraser (21)
November Meeting Approved
Review the minutes from November (Jon)
Social Hilary Madden - Jon Haaversen
Leading Edge Susan and David Turnham
Newsletter - Melissa France
Website - Dave Johnson, Justin Keepers, Gini Breidenbach
Finance - Tom Torgerson
Treasurer - Jim Welinski
Set Budget/Investment - Paul Buckley, Tom, Jim
3 Events planned by Justin Aulie
Race Committee
Boat of the year requirements need to be addressed
Duluth Entry/Commercial traffic
Explore at later date (Dave Johnson)
Social Events (Christian)
After Race Social (see Agenda)(Nannah Myers is Chair)
Special Events
Off Season
Awards Banquet (Laura E)
Skippers Meeting (Jim Welinski)
Address DYC Alcohol Concerns (Tom T)
Membership (Matt Ruona)
Recruitment (Laura E, Assist Matt R)
Member Database (Susan T)
Email List (Susan T)
Online Membership (Susan T)
Recruit Volunteers (Heidi Halker)
Boat Club Leason
Kelly M
DSSA Merger (Dave Johnson, Christian Fraser, Nannah Myers, Kelly McMahon
Tent Site Manager (David T)
Nominating Committee (John Hoenig, Stacy McKenzie, David Turnham, Keith Stauber and Fred Duderhar)
Trans (Stacy McKenzie, Dave Johnson, John Vallez, Chris Henry)
Slideshow for banquet Brian Hammond
Complete Emergency Action Plan (Jon Haaversen, Eric Thomas)
Navy Ship Commissioning Event
No Date Set Yet
Dave Johnson, Laura E
Treasurer Report (Jim)
Slow month
Also Slow month
No Income
Greysolon Deposit
DSSA Donation
P&L for 2019
Budget number came from prior year
Crew/Social went down
Race fees were almost spot on for expenses
Trans only made ~2500
Donation from Barkers brought it to 3500
Race equipment and supplies were way under
Boat repairs for new engine were high
Jim needs approval for new boat savings account
1k per year
How many years on current boat?
Hull has many
Motor uncertain
Should it be 2k per year to be more realistic
Motion to create savings to start new boat fund
Transfer enough money to avoid fees from Secondary Checking
Motion to move 5k from secondary checking to new account for “new boat fund” and to add 2k to account every year after.
Donation to Jim Sharrow
Expressed his appreciation
99 per year for Duluth Boat Club Affiliates
Race Committee Report
Make Up Dates
NOR and SI Update
DNC should be scored uniformly
Number of finishers +1 for all races
Wednesday overall class champ
“The overall class championships will be scored as though they were a 3 race series where each ‘race’ is determined by a given boats final overall standing in the Spring, Summer, and Fall series.”
Fray and July 4 race will not count
Leading edge will need update
Further issues are being tabled
Class split for nearshore
Determination will be made prior to the series start not adjusted part way through the season
Board passes motion to approve Page 1 of SI/NOR Decisions
Scoring Issues
Race Committee Members
A class: Keith
B class: Chris B
C class: Susan T
Jib and Main: Laurie S
J 24: Mike S
Open: Nannah M
July Makeup Date
July 30 (for Summer Wednesday Series)
If this cannot work, race 4 count 3
If this does happen
Feedback Mechanism (EOY survey)
Duluth to Silver Bay
July 24
Last year was immediately after the trans
Goals was to get boats from the trans to stay for one more race
Might be worth to talk
Try on a non-Trans year to see if attendance is higher
Night start
Has to be to be on Friday
Question and discussion on
Aug 30
Instead of 8 have 7 count with the 8th day as a makeup
Series in a series
Women at the helm
Must have a female at the helm to count
Only with Nearshore
Revamp J24
Weekend of the trans, but opposite year
Every other year
Aug 8 or 9
Open to J70/J80?
90 day permit
95 day calendar
Rather have the tent at the end of the season
Motion to Approve Calendar and Women at the Helm Series
Membership Update (Susan)
Website Link broken
It is up and running though
New Business
Mark Set Bot
RS will be sent info from DJ
Scoring Computer
DYC purchasing it’s own computer to run Sailwave
What does JV need and what will it cost
Anything else he might need
Boat club Update (KM)
Hold up with city
Community Involvement
How do we get people involved
Prove Ongoing funding (feasibility plan)
Up front capital (Individual $$ Commitment)
What do we have to start
Lease runs out in two years
City will not renew lease until we can prove all 3 items.
Needs to be full building, gazebo does not count.
Land Trust Outdoor Heritage Fund
Possible to get some funding from?
Trying to change the city contact as the club has been getting ignored
Duluth Park Land
Tent covers that
13th street needs/wants for DYC
Do you have/want a back-up plan?
Boat for UMD sailing team
Outreach to CYC and BVYC on Barthel Trophy
US Sailing Events for Club Leaders
DJ will fix membership link
What can DYC contribute to the city’s 3 points
Boat Club Discussion
Boat Clubs original idea was multi-million dollar
Feb Meeting
Race chair
JHo Budget Request
Set Race fees based on Budget
When was the last time they were adjusted?
Meeting adjourned
November 2019 Meeting
Minutes DYC Planning Meeting Nov 11, 2019
6:30-8:30 PM
Gardner Builders Duluth, 2 W 1st St Suite 133, Duluth, MN 55802, USA
Board Members Present: Dave Johnson, Commodore, Matt Rona, Vice Commodore, Jon Haaversen, Secretary, Jim Welinski, Treasurer, Steve Henry, Past Commodore, Susan Mattis Turnham (20), Tom Torgerson (20), Gini Breidenbach (20), Kelly McMahon (21), Laura Erkelenz (21), Christian Fraser (21)
Introductions (Pictures with Dave)
Section 14
more limited than state versions
Track the state statute. (Suggested by TT)
Section 9.2 for calling special meetings
Continue to hunt for gender neutrality issues throughout the document
Planning for the year
Board Meeting Schedule
Monthly (currently 2nd Monday of the month)
Need to confirm no conflict with boat club and DSSA
Purpose of the budget
Utilize it more vigorously?
Budget was in place by April last year
Set by January
For the future Budget should be getting set much earlier in the year (i.e. right now, goal for 2020 into 2021 season).
Race/membership fees
Can be good to go ASAP once prices are set (Done using SignMeUp
Fees and such will not start moving to the bank starting Jan 1
Additional charge for CC (3% flat fee across the board)
Tax Documents
Filed in the spring
Non Profit
Insurance - Official Mailing PO Box 18
US Sailing - Spring
Race Committee
On the Beach
Online application ready
Newsletter - Melissa France
Quarterly - Winter Social schedule
Before season starts May 1
Mid Summer
Late Summer
Leading Edge
Must have everything in by April 15 at the latest
Goal to have by April 1
Approve at December meeting
Online Registrations
Can be ready to go ASAP after race fees are set
Feb 1
NOR and SI
April 1 for leading edge
Skippers meeting
Ratings Review
On Thurs agenda
Class Assignments, Class Flags